Podcast Episode 3: Angela Bassa, Director of Data Science and Slightly Weird But Not That Much

The Rest of Us in Tech
The Rest of Us in Tech
Podcast Episode 3: Angela Bassa, Director of Data Science and Slightly Weird But Not That Much

In this episode, Angela and I talk about data science and robots, how awesome Wonder Woman is, and crack up laughing at silly super powers.

Angela BassaAbout our guest: Angela Bassa is the Director of Data Science at iRobot, where she leads the newly-formed team through development of machine learning algorithms, sentiment analysis, and anomaly detection processes. Angela is also a technical advisor for Mirah, a Boston-based startup focused on making behavioral healthcare more objective and data-driven. Her previous projects earned accolades such as INFORMS’ Edelman award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences; and the Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange award for Big Data and Analytics Innovations. She discovered data science while studying math at MIT, only back then it wasn’t called that yet. Over the past two decades she has learned to lead data teams in academic, commercial, and industrial applications. Angela also has three patented inventions, as well as 24 patent applications currently pending in the US, the EU, and Australia.

You can connect with Angela on Twitter at @AngeBassa.

This episode was recorded on July 12, 2017.

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